I don’t know how many of you out there have ever been a rabble-rouser, trouble maker or just plain ol’ mischief maker but that was me back in the day. I have since grown up and out of that destructive train of thought but sometimes a situation will spark up a thought or a thirst if you will. A taste to go back to the way you USED to be just this once to rectify a situation that you know undoubtedly needs to be handled or nipped in the proverbial bud so to speak a situation that can only be handled through PHYSICAL force. Words just won’t suffice.
See…….even thugs have a code. Do what you must to survive but disrespect will NOT be tolerated. That’s it, plain and simple. Unfortunately there are those that have never lived a portion of that life and that do things without fear of the repercussions. They are the ones who cut you in a line like you weren’t there thinking the whole time that you won’t say or do anything. They are the ones that flip you the bird in traffic thinking that you won’t get out at the next light and drag them out of the car and beat the shit out of them. They are the ones that CONSTANTLY run their mouth the whole while thinking that you won’t do or say anything about it. They live to disrespect until someone comes along and puts them in their place. Those are the ones that give me the thirst the worse. They smirk and smile in your face all the while they continue to talk behind your back as if you are deaf to the noise and blind to the facts that they want what you have.
For those of you all that can’t read between the lines let me spell it out for you. There is a certain scenario that involves 3 people, one of which is me. One is a current and one is an Ex. So for whatever reason the Ex can’t seem to let go. This is where the disrespect comes in. There are smirks, smiles and the occasional comments to mutual parties to get a rise out of me. What this person does not understand is that if I do “rise” then someone most certainly will fall. That is a given. To tell you the truth it really has less to do with “them” and everything to do with the disrespect. I could really care less what happened or happens between “them”, I can’t control that. Grown folks are going to do what they do. What I can do though is curtail this arrogant feeling that this person has of “I can get away with anything that I want.” That’s something that IS within my power.
I am by no means a Gangster. I will say that up front. However there are several people that are in the know that will tell you without a shadow of a doubt that “Nine is NOT the one you wanna fuck with!” Before my various anger management classes I was known to have quite a temper. Once I go that route I can’t stop until either there is actually someone in the area that has the physical ability to stop me (which is hardly the case) or I have finished the job at hand. Usually it falls into the category of the latter. I will say that the bigger and stronger that I got over the years the more patient I became. I now know what I am capable of and I try to keep that part of me at bay as often as possible. This is not for show. My strength and stature are VERY functional.
Once that switch is flipped I have no control over what happens next. Temporary insanity is what I think they call it. I couldn’t tell you what happens when I reach that point. I kinda “black out”. All I know is that there is a point where I tell myself that enough is enough, I lose it and lash out……..then minutes later I come back and carnage has ensued. Not your average run of the mill few stitches type but that “oh shit someone call 911 type of wholesale carnage that you actually witness and the whole time are trying to explain but cant.
All the Ranks and Regulations in the world will not stop me. If I do decide to go that route and assault you, trust and believe that EVERYONE from here on out will know that you were on the receiving end of one of the most devastating and thorough beatings known to mankind. Shutting your mouth and cutting your losses is a lot more attractive than slurred speech.
The bottom line here son is keep fucking around if you want and nothing short of Jesus Christ himself will be able to stop me from taking something from you that I did not give.
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