It would seem as if you really don’t understand that human beings have a brain. We have an innate tendency to remember events (especially the traumatic or important ones). So I think it was about the year 2001 or so where you tried this once before. You called, you cried, you lied, you complained and you attempted to polarize my family. You wanted so badly for them to choose your side. I mean after all they were women like you right? They had to understand the poor plight of the "single Black mother" right? It seems as if you just couldn’t get enough. You had my son, everything that I had framed, earned or bought and even found a way to get a new SUV. I left the marriage (if that’s what you want to call it) with my Stereo and a George Foreman Grill. Yet you still tried to destroy me but more importantly you tried to destroy my reputation. The sad part is that you ALMOST succeeded. You told my family that I left you so that I could go on to be a Stripper. Never once did you mention that I was dancing to supplement my income because the Judge couldn’t add. You were actually entitled to $160 dollars less than what you were actually getting however I decided not to pursue a reduction hearing once I was informed. He was my Son as well and my responsibility.
Then the complaint became that I would alternate days because I had to work. That didn’t work for you because my scheduled day was when you would have your rendezvous with the pedophile. ( I mean how could he really be your "High School Sweetheart at 8 years your senior without being a pedophile?)
Every week almost you called MY family to complain about what was essentially their "body of work". They raised me, nurtured me and taught me to their standards. Did you not think that they would put it all together and figure that I was NOT the person that you were making me out to be?
So our divorce was final in Oct and you were pregnant with another mans child in December. Of course you didn’t tell my family that however once he was born in Aug it was a simple case of math and biology.
Meanwhile I was re-building my life. Starting from scratch because I gave you EVERYTHING!!! But I am a hustler………….I gets mine. Believe that!!! So here it is 8 years later and once again you start with the calls to MY family. Didn’t you learn the first time?
There is a point where if you take a piece of rubber and stretch it so far that you can actually see right thru it. No matter the color of the rubber you can still see right thru it. That’s what has happened to your story. For 8 years you stretched the same tired ass tale until it became transparent. Now my family KNOWS who you are in REAL life and no one feels sorry for you. I have known way better Women in my lifetime that have done way more with fewer resources.
If you want sympathy then you need to look in the dictionary between the words shit and syphilis.
As I have said before. You have dropped the gauntlet and you must now deal with your consequences. I cannot be responsible for your quality of life once the WAR is over. You started this and as I had explained to you before I will finish it. I would go on but why……………………I CAN SHOW YOU BETTER THAN I CAN TELL YOU.
He deserves better and His best years are to come.
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