Tuesday, September 9, 2008

How to Tell the System is Broken

I write this because I am frustrated. Frustrated with a system that started out with good intentions but has not grown with society. A system that has made legions of good Fathers stand by idly while their children are mis-treated, unkempt, and basically emotionally neglected.

The sad thing is that children only KNOW what you tell them. They will love you unconditionally regardless of the treatment they get because unlike adults they do not have a reference point to tell that they are indeed suffering from emotional neglect.

Despite the fact that my ex-wife does not have a job, lives off of my child support (to support 2 children, one of which is not mine), does drugs in her leisure. (Yea she passed a piss test because you gave her 3 days notice!) And basically feeds off of the system that is now in the business of protecting bad Mothers despite the fact that there are VERY capable, stable, loving and willing Fathers out there that want to protect their children, provide for them and preserve their legacy.

For years I felt sorry for her as the story was told that the "other Father" was ducking, hiding and quitting jobs to keep away from child support. Well the cat was recently let out of the bag. Not only does she know where he lives but he actually comes by the house for conguigal visits (despite the fact that he is married and has been since before the birth of his son by her)

I am now in a position to have to spend copious amounts of dollars to PROVE that I am fit.

There are things that I will disclose in a later post but I felt the need to get this off of my chest.


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