When I was younger I felt that I was loved. I never once thought about or was envious of anyone. I grew up fairly hard (as I know this now) however when you are in that environment you tend not to notice too much because you are actually too busy living. Well, I am older now and I have been blessed to have friends that have come along in my lifetime that all have very different characteristics. From them I have learned things that cannot be taught in ANY classroom; things that have to be EXPERIENCED to be understood.
Now I am going thru a very trying time in my life. I look at this through rose colored glasses though as this can only make me stronger. This is a crossroads point. If you are fortunate in life you will have many crossroads. I have come to find out in time that there is no wrong or right as far as which path to choose as with either path you will learn and grow. Without adversity or difficulty in your life to overcome you are doomed to fall HARD and quite possibly never recover. That won’t be me.
I have been called resilient in my life and I look at that as one of the largest compliments that can be given. For those of you that don’t know the definition if resilient is:
To be characterized or marked by resilience: as a: capable of withstanding shock without permanent deformation or rupture b: tending to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change
This is where I dig deep. I reach down into the bowels of my soul and think back on all of life’s experiences. Sometimes I talk to my REAL friends to get a fresh perspective on what they would do or how they would handle a situation. That paradox is needed from time to time. Male thoughts vs. female thoughts. Street mentality vs. classroom mentality. It’s all part of the process.
In the end there can only be one result. When all is said and done and the smoke clears you will realize that I have become stronger than anyone could have ever imagined. I will be that Immovable Object.
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