Ok I will probably ramble a little because this entire thing bothers me. I have been a democrat for as long as I have been able to Vote. For 16 voting years I have only had the opportunity to vote for which I felt had my best interest in mind. Well as with most of the lower middle class I feel that the Democrats best describe the changes that I would like to see. Also for my 16 voting years I have never been given the opportunity to vote for an African-American man. This time however he just also happens to be a Democrat.
Now I will tell you what disturbs me the most. There are White Democrats who REFUSE to vote for the man that has been nominated by the Democratic Party as their representative based on the color of his skin. Are you serious!!! See this is where I have an issue. This is where I take policy with these Racist Democrats. As a voting African American Man in this country I have never had a choice. I have had to decipher through all the candidates to find out which ones had African-Americans in their best interest however they were all White. Did I complain about them being White no…………would it have done any good, no………………..would I have voted Republican………..NO. Here is the proverbial kick in the ass……….If Obama was a Black Republican candidate and had the same values that screwed this country up for the last 8 years would I jump ship as a Democrat and vote for him because he was the first African American Candidate………………..No I would NOT, plain and simple.
See as African American voters we don’t have an issue with color. How could we? If would be different if every election we had a multitude of races running but that has not been the case thus far. So we as African American voters will more closely scrutinize the issues to see if they are living up to our standards. I will say for sure and with firm conviction that George W. Bush has not had my best interest in mind. Neither as an African American man nor as a Soldier in the United States Army. I see John McCain as Bush 2.0 or Bush Vista as I would like to call him. A lot of the same ol that has been going on for the last 8 years that Bush has cheated his way into the driver’s seat of the country. Say what you will but I remember how you got voted in BOTH TIMES and it was not even remotely fair. Enough about that.
Now I will touch on the Race issue for a few moments because this is something that is near and dear to me. I was not raised to be a racist individual nor will I allow my children to be Racist. Being Racist in today’s society is a very backwards and destructive process. Steps are being taken however to obliterate racism and I am actually proud to say that I am a part of a generation that takes pride in teaching our children that color does not matter. I will teach my children to be AWARE that racism does exist but should under no circumstances be tolerated.
I am a member of the United States Army and have been for the last 16+ years. Racism in the military is dealt with a zero tolerance policy period. On the battlefield in order to make sound and timely decisions you can’t worry about how many Black, White, Hispanic or Asian Soldiers you have at your disposal. What if every Soldier who has given his life in combat by jumping on a live grenade was to take a count first of how many of each Race he was saving? Sounds ridiculous when you say it out loud right. I don’t have the luxury of being able to read minds so I have to trust that when a decision is made for me by my superiors that the numbers made the difference and not my race.
Earlier this year I had the privilege to travel to Gettysburg. There is a lot of history there. What shocked me the most is that after all these years I had to make that trip to realize that the war was about Race. There were those that decided that they did NOT want to let go of slaves. They needed slaves in the field. Well President Lincoln decided that Slavery was to be abolished and basically a WAR ensued.
I am proud to say that I am a byproduct of the winning team. At that point the country should have started the healing process. In 1865 the Confederate army should have taken their licks and moved on. Here it is over 130 years later and Race is still an issue for those of us that have had an affiliation with a party for 20 years or more. Yes we have made strides for Racial Equality but as this election has taught me………………….we still have a long way to go.
I have a deep seeded affiliation with my party as I thought most did until this election. I feel that if you are willing to change your affiliation based solely on the complexion of a man’s skin then you indeed are racist. This might be a revelation to you. Hell you might even have 3 Black friends. (If you do indeed keep a count of your Black friends then I do wonder about you.) But when it comes to running the country you still feel that we are inferior and don’t have the capability to make informed decisions. Despite the Fact that that the Republican Candidate graduated 894 out of a class of 899. Barack Obama who is the Democratic Candidate is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he served as president of the Harvard Law Review.
I have never been a fan of politics as a whole based off of the fact that we always seem to get screwed in the end. I will say however that I think that the Republicans have shown that clearly they are not capable at this point to lead the nation in education, foreign policy or even with our own fledging economy. So I say. IF you indeed do call yourself a Democrat then vote for the Democratic Nominee. If you call yourself a Democrat and you are voting Republican based on the fact that Barack Obama is African American then you Sir/Ma’am are a Racist………………….plain and simple.
With attitudes like yours our country will never move forward.
Please feel free to click on the pictures above to get a taste of what the reality was in 1860. This is very interesting and mind opening.
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