Chaos: a state of utter confusion
It’s a Monday, and I mean that in EVERY sense of the word. One of my favorite movies of all times is Office Space one of the characters in the movie makes reference to someone having a “case of the Mondays”. You would really have to see the movie to get the full effect however you can imagine what brought her to even say that to someone in the first place. Monday in itself can be the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning of the work week and the end of the weekend. The effects of the Monday are magnified if you had a bad weekend or your Monday starts in total and utter chaos. Well needless to say its one of those days. Mt situation is the latter.
See this is one of those “bite you in the ass” situations that really could have been avoided. I work for an organization that for some strange reason has what I call a “God complex”. This means that for whatever reason they feel that the employees “need” them or this job. Not realizing that the skills that the individuals in the IT (Information Technology) field are in HIGH demand.
Well about 5 months ago we had 3 individuals in my section that basically held everything together and as usual were taken advantage of. Well first the Supervisor found a better position and quit. They (being the Management) felt that he left because he was bitter and that it was an isolated situation. So now we were one down. Well as time went forward the abuse grew because now instead of promoting from within they decided to leave the Supervisor position vacant and dump all of his responsibilities on the 2 remaining employees. Almost 1 month to the day after the Supervisor left a second employee decided that the grass (and money) were definitely greener on the other side and accepted a position elsewhere and quit. Now we are down to 1. I voiced my opinion to Them (the management) that they needed to do whatever they could to keep the remaining employee happy to include a promotion (which would have been well deserved). But alas, the God complex is a very prideful thing. They figured that not only did he need this job but that he would not leave knowing that he was the last. Well on Friday he made both a liar and a fool out of them and he is now gone.
Mind you all of the above individuals were very professional and put in the prerequisite 2 weeks notice before they left. So please don’t feel sorry for the Management’s lack of foresight or planning. This has been a process in the making. We still have not filled ANY of the positions and there is not 1 single solitary individual that is trained to do the job that they were trained in. I mentioned this as well but was dismissed as “training cost money”. Well now I will say to the Management that training cost money but it sure in the hell cant cost as much as the mistake of letting 3 talented individuals walk right out the front door.
Chaos is the complexity of causality or the relationship between events. This means that any 'seemingly' insignificant event in the universe has the potential to trigger a chain reaction that will change the whole system. A well known saying in connection with this issue is "A butterfly flapping its wings in one part of the world can cause a hurricane on the other side of the earth." This is also known as the "butterfly effect".[1]
So here is the case of the Monday. Now that the final IT guy is gone it is pure and total CHAOS!!! See I failed to mention that we are an IT based establishment!!! No one here is trained on servers, switches or routers to the level that they were. We have no permissions, cant log in or we don’t know why but our monitoring systems are kaput.
Of course I am the calm one. At this point I could really care less. I mean that in every sense of the word. CARE LESS. I AM the type that will say “I told you so”. So instead of me sitting here and telling management now much they really FUCKED UP I decided to pretty much leave them to the fruits of their arrogance. I have very little tolerance for stupidity. Ignorance is forgivable, however when someone tells you flat out what you need to do but you let pride and arrogance get in the way then I have absolutely zero sympathy. That my friend is a SERIOUS case of the Mondays!!!
It’s a Monday, and I mean that in EVERY sense of the word. One of my favorite movies of all times is Office Space one of the characters in the movie makes reference to someone having a “case of the Mondays”. You would really have to see the movie to get the full effect however you can imagine what brought her to even say that to someone in the first place. Monday in itself can be the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning of the work week and the end of the weekend. The effects of the Monday are magnified if you had a bad weekend or your Monday starts in total and utter chaos. Well needless to say its one of those days. Mt situation is the latter.
See this is one of those “bite you in the ass” situations that really could have been avoided. I work for an organization that for some strange reason has what I call a “God complex”. This means that for whatever reason they feel that the employees “need” them or this job. Not realizing that the skills that the individuals in the IT (Information Technology) field are in HIGH demand.
Well about 5 months ago we had 3 individuals in my section that basically held everything together and as usual were taken advantage of. Well first the Supervisor found a better position and quit. They (being the Management) felt that he left because he was bitter and that it was an isolated situation. So now we were one down. Well as time went forward the abuse grew because now instead of promoting from within they decided to leave the Supervisor position vacant and dump all of his responsibilities on the 2 remaining employees. Almost 1 month to the day after the Supervisor left a second employee decided that the grass (and money) were definitely greener on the other side and accepted a position elsewhere and quit. Now we are down to 1. I voiced my opinion to Them (the management) that they needed to do whatever they could to keep the remaining employee happy to include a promotion (which would have been well deserved). But alas, the God complex is a very prideful thing. They figured that not only did he need this job but that he would not leave knowing that he was the last. Well on Friday he made both a liar and a fool out of them and he is now gone.
Mind you all of the above individuals were very professional and put in the prerequisite 2 weeks notice before they left. So please don’t feel sorry for the Management’s lack of foresight or planning. This has been a process in the making. We still have not filled ANY of the positions and there is not 1 single solitary individual that is trained to do the job that they were trained in. I mentioned this as well but was dismissed as “training cost money”. Well now I will say to the Management that training cost money but it sure in the hell cant cost as much as the mistake of letting 3 talented individuals walk right out the front door.
Chaos is the complexity of causality or the relationship between events. This means that any 'seemingly' insignificant event in the universe has the potential to trigger a chain reaction that will change the whole system. A well known saying in connection with this issue is "A butterfly flapping its wings in one part of the world can cause a hurricane on the other side of the earth." This is also known as the "butterfly effect".[1]
So here is the case of the Monday. Now that the final IT guy is gone it is pure and total CHAOS!!! See I failed to mention that we are an IT based establishment!!! No one here is trained on servers, switches or routers to the level that they were. We have no permissions, cant log in or we don’t know why but our monitoring systems are kaput.
Of course I am the calm one. At this point I could really care less. I mean that in every sense of the word. CARE LESS. I AM the type that will say “I told you so”. So instead of me sitting here and telling management now much they really FUCKED UP I decided to pretty much leave them to the fruits of their arrogance. I have very little tolerance for stupidity. Ignorance is forgivable, however when someone tells you flat out what you need to do but you let pride and arrogance get in the way then I have absolutely zero sympathy. That my friend is a SERIOUS case of the Mondays!!!
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