It's pretty funny that I can make this statement and have this revelation of sorts. In the last few years I have been devoid of the one
thing that made me GREAT. The one attribute that I could always count on in a pinch and that's my laser-like ability to focus on task and knock them down with the accuracy of an Olympic Archer.
Lately it seems as if my mind has been "heavily fragmented". That "slump" that you always hear about with sports teams, well yeah, now I can relate. It took someone else to point this out to me. This is the main reason I keep a tight knit group of REAL FRIENDS and not glorified "yes" men/women. I need to know when I am falling apart because sometimes (most of the time) we can’t really see ourselves the way the rest of the world sees us.
I have come to realize that the statement "Jack of All Trades, Master of None" is the most prevalent statement that I can make about myself at this point. I won’t go on some kind of self-absorbed tirade about my skills or how many flashes of brilliance I have. All of that means nothing without the ability to apply what I do know or what my skills are. Genius is noting without application. In that case I might as well be a paperweight.
There is a thin line between genius and insanity; usually it's in the application process. - AQEW

Now, it's time to find what I have been missing for the last few years. I will take the same approach to my seemingly insurmountable task as I do with my diet. I will implement bits and pieces one task at a time. No more of the "shotgun blast" approach to self-troubleshooting.
Even to this day there are people that tend to snub Hip-Hop for glorification or violence and the objectification of women. That’s just a small part of the reach. Once you stop and listen you will find some of the most poignant and prolific statements ever.
"If you knew better, you’d do better." - Fabolous
The moment I heard this it was like someone punched me in the back of the neck. The reason is because I DO know better. The context of the lyrical content wasn’t meant for the purpose that touched me; however isn’t that what music is all about? So I will take the advice of a VERY valued and trusted Friend/Confidant and take the next few weeks to re-organize my life. Yea it's going to take me some weeks (gotta be realistic, lol.)
Maybe then I can keep my mind from being all over the place and put it all back together again.
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