10% of Someone's Personal Life Shouldn’t Affect 90% of Yours
Read that statement out loud to yourself!
Greetings and salutations!!! Yeah whatever, lol. That’s not even my style so What's Good? Well once again I have to get some things out in the open so that we can move on in life and after I finish with this blog you will have (or should have) a revelation of sorts.
I will be touching on what seems to be one of the hottest topics going into 2011. The military has repealed the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT) policy and for that I say GREAT JOB. That’s not me being facetious, that is honestly and wholeheartedly how I feel about the situation. I will say that in my 18+ years in Military service and counting; I have encountered at least 7 individuals in uniform that I know for a fact were gay. Did that change my opinion of their
work performance, no it didn’t as a matter of fact 4 of them I would have never known unless they actually told me either during or after they completed their obligated service.
There has been a plethora of plain out "ignorant ass comments" coming about from people that I would have expected better of. Honestly some of the bullshit that I have heard has prompted me to respond in an open forum because it needs to be said. I will digress for a moment to post a response that I posted to Facebook to the question:
K. Watson Posted:
I think that deep down it's easier for a woman to accept feminine qualities in either a male or a female child. I don't think it's by birth as much as it is choice however from a male perspective we have sons and think about them carrying the family lineage. We have dreams of grandeur for our male children that revolve around masculine qualities: Capt. of the football team, ROTC, Hockey you name it.
When a child (male specifically since he is looked upon to carry the family name) tells you that he is gay, it's an adjustment of everything that you had pictured for your child. Is it unfair to project what we think our children should become, probably but our parents did it to us and so on?
As parents we want to keep our children safe and we know that some still frown upon the homosexual lifestyle therefore putting our children at risk for unfair acts of discrimination. The lifestyle is more accepted now then it ever was and I for one don't have a problem with homosexuals. If my son was to tell me he was gay I wouldn't love him any less. I would just reverse my vasectomy and try again, lol. There would be questions (of course) so that we can know that it wasn't something that we did to facilitate that change in the form of pampering every time they cry, having them hang around mom and her friends ALL THE TIME, lol.
What my son ultimately does in his personal life doesn't affect me as much as I would like to think it would. He would get all of the love and support that he does now. Honestly if he felt comfortable enough to confide in me his true heart's desires who would I be as a parent to betray that confidence by blasting his choice?
I wasn't always a squeaky clean dude, have done some downright mean shit at times. But at the end of the day we see our children in spurts once they leave the nest and I will be damned if every time he shows up I give him drama over something that I can't really actively see 90% of the time. We all just want our children to be successful and safe. If he chose to sell drugs that would be an issue, rob banks for a living an issue, stand on the corner and do nothing all day but drink 40's an issue. Telling me he has a successful job, a car, a roof over his head and a boyfriend........no issue.
Besides I have never seen a broke gay man, lol. So I guess that's a plus :-)

Now that’s EXACTLY how I feel about the DADT policy change. Let's take a deep look into ourselves and let me run some things past you. Now this isn’t to change your mind about your belief system but understand how ignorant some of you sound when you try to push your beliefs on others.
I masturbate…….there I said it. I masturbate because I like it. It feels good to me, I like it, and I do it often end of story. (An ejaculation a day keep prostate cancer away J ) you can click this link as well if you don’t believe me. Now, there are people that frown HEAVILY upon masturbation. "It's against nature blah blah blah". (Someone needs to tell the monkeys that, LMAO) "When you masturbate you spill and waste the seed blah blah blah". (Uh….hello, yea I have no "seed" and if I did there would be plenty where that first batch came from, lol) "Even the Bible tells you not to do it BLAH BLAH FRIGGING BLAH! (Are we REALLY going to go with the selective passages again? I mean how many of you break one of the 10 commandments every single day?) To that I say this: First off, does that affect my work performance, no. Would you have known if I didn’t tell you, possibly if you would assume I am like most people. Have you EVER seen me do it (there are a VERY select few that can answer that so you all pipe down, lol)? The overwhelming majority I would say 99.9% of the people I know have to answer NO to that question. Bottom line up front is that what you can't see shouldn’t affect your life.
Now let's look at Homosexuals vs. Heterosexuals. The major MAJOR difference is that Homosexuals sleep with people of the same gender and Heterosexuals sleep with people of the opposite gender. Now when was the last time you saw 2 gay men having sex in a department store, grocery store, in the line at a baseball game ect. Go ahead……..I will wait for a response……….*Waiting patiently, silence befell the room*, ok the answer is more than likely NEVER. What they do with their personal time will not affect you the same way me "spilling the seed" will not have any impact what-so-ever in your life.
They are not going to go on some Military Raping Spree, cause trust me there are wayyy too many "straight men" that have that shit covered, right 2ID? They are not going to change the uniform color to pink. They will have to adhere to the same standards, regulations and policies as the rest of the Operational Military Service. So please check your thought process, besides you have served or are probably serving with and are very close friends with someone that is Homosexual right now. Will you stop associating with someone because of their sexual preference? If so that means that you are possibly a small minded lemming that is going with the crowd; and they didn’t need your particular type of "conditional friendship anyway.
As a Black man I can honestly say that this was probably the same way "they" responded when they allowed African-American to serve. I can here it now, "Awwww shit Zeke Those N****RS are gonna have chicken bones and watermelon seeds all over the place blah blah blah." Sounds crazy hella ignorant now doesn’t it? So get ahead of the curve and understand that it's here, so deal with it.
By the way……..yeah this was written by a Heterosexual Male, so get over yourself, because they have already gotten over you!
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