Sometimes I get rather preachy about certain things and this one is constantly striking a nerve with me. Now I will say that there have been PLENTY of times in my life that I have been subjected to foolishness that was so routine that I myself became a product of my environment. Now don’t get me wrong and mistake me for some mindless lemming that will follow the crowd off of a cliff because, uh, yeah, that AIN'T me, lol. It has nothing to do with being weak minded, soft or devoid of making decisions. It has more to do with the constant monotony thrown at you like waves crashing into rocks and turning them to sand.
Sometimes you just give up and go along. Sometimes it can actually be a good thing but 9 times out of 10 it's a bad thing, a very bad thing. See the major problem with becoming a product of your environment is that it's usually not a good environment to begin with. You hear it all the time when someone is raised under unfortunate circumstances. "Oh you can't blame me Your Honor; I am just a product of my environment." Becoming a product means that you have become "common", you don't have the ability to stand out and you have lost YOUR identity somewhere along the way. This actual action or series of actions will be transparent to you because you are fully immersed in that environment. It will usually be someone who has known you for a good majority of your life that will point out that you are "not yourself" or that you have "changed" and not for the better.
The good news is that you can become a product of a positive environment by taking one major life changing step………Elevate your company. That’s pretty much all there is to it. Change your friend pool. If you are a woman that is looking for a man then why would you constantly hang around bitter, angry women that always complain that "men ain't shit girl"? Every time you try to start a successful relationship she will come in with the Bullshit…….I promise she will. So what you do is weaned yourself off of that plate full of negativity. It will do you no good in the long run to sit at the table until you finish it all up, lol. Find some like minded individuals that haven’t given up on love or the prospect of love because it's out there. I will also state for the record that "ain't shit" is not a gender specific condition. It applies to both male and female, so just remember that for future reading J
If you have people in your life that are there for the sole purpose of breaking you down and criticizing everything you do in a negative manner then get rid of them. Terms like "awwwww that shit ain't gonna work" or "that’s a stupid idea". Now don’t turn on your friends that provide CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Keep those people around you at all times. Trust me when I tell you that you will be able to see the difference. Just last week I had a revelation of sorts with a certain individual that shall remain nameless. It seems that every single time this person "graced" my Facebook page; it was always to be heard, criticize or just basically say some slick out-of-pocket bullshit. Well my immediate reaction was to respond and then it hit me. 20% of the people in your life will cause 80% of your grief. So using that math I decided to promptly block this person from my Facebook page to never return. If every time you speak to me, balderdash and poppycock come spewing from your pie hole then what good are you to me? Think about that next time you need to evaluate your friend pool.
If you want to be successful then stop hanging out on the corner with unsuccessful folks. Trust me when I tell you that once you have moved on to bigger and better things for upwards of 5-10 years later, they will still be on that same corner. I really didn’t want to believe my folks when they told me that 18+ years ago but damned if it ain't the truth. If you want to make money first step is to learn how to read. I don’t mean read in a conventional sense, I mean read with a purpose, take notes and implement what you read into your daily life. Find out what successful people have read and start there. Anything after that you will develop on your own to reflect what you want to be successful in.
My list is pretty extensive but I will cover the first 5
1. The 48 Laws of Power
2. How to Win Friends and Influence People
3. The Art of Seduction
4. The 4-Hour Workweek
5. The E Myth- Why Most Small Businesses Don’t work……..
So there, I have given you a sliver of my blueprint that will make 2011 a breakout year for me, but first I have some "friends list" cleaning to do, lol. Time to Elevate my company once again……….
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