For a while now I have been pondering this whole election thing. I mean as a young Black male I will be the first to say that these are indeed proud times however we have to have some follow through to make this a reality. One of the things that I found most compelling about Sen. Obama's speech in Colorado was that he spoke in detail about personal accountability. That of course is one of the things that I harp about the most when it comes to OUR people. We are very quick to blame ANYONE………..The Man, The System or The Government. Well I will not be the first one to say it but I will re-iterate that if the Right person does not win the election then it’s on you!
I mean did you vote? If not then for the next 4 years of your life you can’t say a damn thing. You can’t compliant about the situation in your State, The Country or even the world for that matter because you gave up your right when you didn’t cast your vote. One of the things that we have to do first and foremost is to take responsibility for our actions and our situations. Don’t blame the Government for letting violent video games get into your home……………..you bought it!!!
Don’t blame the oil companies for jacking the price of gas up when you continued to by XL SUV's at an alarming rate. They tested the market and realized that as Americans we are too stubborn and vain to let go of status. The higher gas prices got the more we bought gas guzzlers that take $100 that we really cant afford to fill up. However they only care about their bottom line. They are just like any other company and the bottom line is PROFIT! You have to understand that you ARE a part of the process. You affect your surroundings either negative or positive.
So with all that being said what does it actually mean? Well it means that you DO make a difference. Every single decision you make from what you spend your money on to what kind of movies you go see at the box office empowers someone. You dictate where that power base lies. Now it’s time for the BIG ONE. You and you alone can impact what the next 4 years of your life is like. I mean we can all sit and talk about things that really don’t matter like Obama’s Ayers relationship or Joe the un-licensed Plummer. But I would rather talk about a few things that I find to be an issue. Please stop now if you are sensitive to REAL TALK because it’s going to get way too REAL in a few words.
For quite some time now Senator McCain has made numerous references to the inexperience of Sen. Obama. So what does McCain do? He chooses a running mate that has even less experience than his adversary. Brilliant strategy no? Now here is the ugly truth that no one wants to say………………There is a VERY real possibility that she could be the President of the United States in the next 4 years if Sen. McCain wins. John Sidney McCain is 72 years old born in 1936. Now this is where is gets REAL. In 1992 the average median age of death in American men was 73.2 years old for men and 79.7 years old for women. That means that the average age total was 76.4 years old. So if we go by the averages and then factor in the stress of being President of the United States during the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression there is a VERY REAL chance that Sen. John Sidney McCain could die in office and leave us with a very inexperienced President on Sarah Palin. So with that ask yourself does he really have America’s best interest in mind or is he being selfish and trying to establish himself in history as the 44th President of the United States? I mean surely if experience was an issue then he would have went with a more experienced candidate right? Instead he wanted to grab all of most of the disgruntled Hillary Clinton female supporters no matter what the cost to the country. Now don’t get me wrong………….I don’t want to see Sen. McCain die. That’s not my style. I am just stating facts. Also while I am on the subject let me state for the record that I am not a mind reader nor do I have a time machine but I can say with the utmost confidence that back when John McCain was a pilot and was the “Maverick” that he probably would have taken policy with voting for a 72 year old to run the nation. Just chew on that for a while. You don’t have to like the taste just chew, lol.
Now it seems that up until this week there was a serious rift in the culture of Black Republican voters. At odds with whether or not to support the first serious Black candidate or vote with the Republican party and have 4 more years of the same. With Ret. GEN Colin Powell (who is notoriously Republican) giving Sen. Obama his endorsement it became evident that this goes so much deeper than party lines. It’s time for a change and also on a deeper level this is something that we need as a people but more important this is what we need as a country. I have been all over the world and truth being told we are looked down upon for our racial tension. This would actually prove to the world that we have moved forward in our thinking and our actions.
As a people we would now be able to tell ALL of our children that they can be ANYTHING to include the President of the United States of America. How beautiful would that be? But like I stated earlier………………..at this junction November 4th will tell the tale. Whatever happens don’t be the ONE that didn’t vote, the ONE that didn’t believe, and the ONE that didn’t feel that he/she had a voice. Because right now………..IT’S ALL ON YOU!!!
P.S. I was talking to a good friend of mine earlier (Hey Kemah) and she made a statement that I think is the underlying problem with Black voters. Now understand that she was not being negative. She said that we ONLY count for 25% of all the votes out there and if each and every single Black person voted it would ONLY add up to 25%. She was not being negative in any way but was bringing up a very valid point. ALL of our votes count if we have a chance of making a difference. With only being 25% effective alone we don't have the luxury of NOT voting. Black people listen to me. This is NOT a test. We do NOT need to score 100% to win so stop feeling that you are defeated when you hear that we make up 25% of the vote. That is more than significant. We ONLY need 26% of that remaining 75% for the win. So in truth if we do our part we are already half way there. So when you hear that 25% think positive. I feel deep in my heart that more than 26% of the remaining 75% agrees with us.
November 4, 2008 IT’S ALL ON YOU!!!